*/#+#OWc9 7ܽ+/UW?K:>5]sHGcAڷX#cAܵÒHܑ98p2Ah'Jx'Ky'LMqO+P], &Label Functions&Transfer Current LabelstransferDialog&Label SelectionlabelSelection(-&About Labeler...About_BoxE&xit LabeleregsitTest ValueLabelerLabeler.mbxToolsLabeling Tool.\nText Label"LabelTool'2ARadv'''({5bA~c'B'ne @ r+"{!@iݩ3XWq  Ńֿ]kz@[`P%4{!|L9~:2Z h@@V@K@Ta@@,@R@1iݩ3XWq\qB.HXm@nmZ85yk}” ^Q4mC,vB`t& n|g &=a n2Arial     &< 1r5$ B qB.HXm@nmZ85y [" n8= '&0,)!C#vi~d =  nQM8988810 (3.5 m)BEDROCK Black, carbonaceous shale with limonite on fracture surfaces. Possibly silvery mineral as fine wisps.EAST 547852 mE 7116009 mNEASTNORTH RIBBEDROCK Carbonaceous black shale, possibly graphite-rich with abundant limonite fractures. Bedding: 168/54 W FX: 300/30 NMatt black shale with coatings of slightly shiny silvery sulphide plus yellow to pale green alteration and irridescent (pink-purple-green) sheen on fractures and fresh surfaces.WEST 547849 mE 7116000 mNM8988807 (2.5 m)M8988809 (2.5 m)WESTM898808 (grab) slightly punky black shale with veinlets and seams of white clay (?) alteration cementing black sulphides with aple-green) sheen on fractures and fresh surfaces.More recessiveM898808 (grab) Slightly punky black shale with narrow quartz veinlets and seams of white clay (?) alteration cementing an unknown black sulphide.#fP$6Q#`P%a@|L9~:2Z hk}” ^Q4mC,vB`t& n|g &=a nk Ki@}s4gtk(h?en'ڀt:>0Vh`P%a6Q#BEDROCK Carbonaceous black shale, possibly graphite-rich with abundant limonite fractures. Bedding: 168/54 W FX: 300/30 NWEST 547849 mE 7116000 mNM8988807 (2.5 m)WESTBEDROCK Carbonaceous black shale, possibly graphite-rich with abundant limonite fractures. Bedding: 168/54 W FX: 300/30 NBEDROCK Carbonaceous black shale, possibly graphite-rich, with abundant limonite fractures. MEASUREMENTS Bedding: 168/54 W Fracture: 300/30 NNORTH RIBMatt black shale with coatings of slightly shiny silvery sulphide plus yellow to pale green alteration and irridescent (pink-purple-green) sheen on fractures and fresh surfaces.M8988809 (2.5 m)M898808 (grab) slightly punky black shale with veinlets and seams of white clay (?) alteration cementing black sulphides with at least three cleavage planes.NORTH RIBMatt black shale with coatings of slightly shiny silvery sulphide plus yellow to pale green alteration and irridescent (pink-pur