*/#+#OWc9 7ܽ+/UW?jXL5/HtY`tFAcIAWU5`Af Anx  oG6d̤[<ݿ``B2Y9 ]$ QI>^CEUXTn^ @eĭjzFަ GBH('XonrH`GBӟj5): *$!17IMF('Xonr u=-;15 =u5ˠ Dnx  o-;1$ 9 ] =Xo nr =Y`B2HXonru5 =.I;  ٮO:c${ XuH׳lh0$eg5Fm/BF/Ԑj D&u5F${jXLy5F4!\> e*R8& /D# AYz |\r V&, "Cq8 ՙbmvm$>DDlqj)Ҵ˺py5 (8-ϴ⸮/Oɭ:8"d5-v)  nm% =C0Arial;/Q     T/U4J|$@ z~R$oVѪ?O !\> e*R8& /D2 ՙbmvm$> >  DWBF|^XAJ *Љ*$/TN&E@Z I4 2 5-$@ZT!ҫ >nKݽqԐj Q|ݥ oe 5-2Í6!ҫM898798 (1.3 m)EAST 546698 mE 7116822 mNSCREE SLOPEAZM 355/vert/TE&NShale Broken bedrock, carbonaceous shale with hairline lim fractures.EASTBroken carbonaceous shale bedrock with hairline fractures continaing limonite.J́? mRj)Ҵ˺py5F4-G6wjXL)} /p^d5-v) e=s0{ǿ嚊>F́ AYz |\r V& "Cq nm% =C@$C\<< D@|\<< .s&|\<< H# 546693 mE 7116822 mNNORTH RIBSCREE SLOPE(0.7 m) Barite-rich horizon with small areas of wh clay alterationWESTM898796M898797(1.7 m) Marron-weathering sooty-limonitic, NI-rich (?) horizon with purple oxide (After Zn?). Weak sugary texture and black pits.WEST,SCREE SLOPElh0uHgmF5a(0.7 m) Barite-rich horizon with sparse white clay alteration 546693 mE 7116822 mNM898796WESTNORTH RIBSCREE SLOPEM898797(1.7 m) Marron-weathering sooty-limonitic, NI-rich (?) horizon with purple oxide (After Zn?). Weak sugary texture and black pits.(1.7 m) Marron-weathering, sooty and limonitic horizon with purple oxide (after Zn?) Weak sugary texture and black pits.(1.7 m) Maroon-weathering, sooty and limonitic horizon with purple oxide (after Zn?) Weak sugary texture and black pits.