*/#+#OWc9 7ܽ+/UW@?#j)%+)SHJCB|Q^@L}MY@`x#?A KL-16-325p= a@b@GRDAQuartz flooded propylitic to unaltered granodiorite with a small phyllic halo found within. Small fractured and rubbly zone present. KL-16-326?---Casing, no recovery. KL-16-326?)@VOLADark grey-black volcanic. Strongly oxidized, rubbly, fractured recovery. There are 1mm coatings of limonite on fracture faces. Volcanic is cut by few quartz veinlets, some of which show sulphide-weathering pits. Few strongly oxidized gouge seams. Larger KL-16-326)@333333,@VOLVolcanics in faulted zone with different alteration than previous volcanic interval. Oxide is persistent. Underlying alteration is light grey-green, possibly phyllic. Fine pyrite is disseminated through groundmass. Volcanics are cut by quartz veinlets an KL-16-326333333,@(\•A@GRDMWeak-moderately mineralized granodiorite with patchy moderate phyllic to argillic alteration around crosscutting quartz-pyrite veining. Some veining contains hematite. Recovery is often fractured and semi-pervasive oxidization stems outward from fracture KL-16-326(\•A@\(|D@VEINVein zone with dendritic copper. Host rock consists of strongly phyllic altered granodiorite with pervasive weak oxidization and few gouge seams. Fractures often have a thin coating of oxide-stained clays. Cut by mineralized quartz veins and veinlets, ty KL-16-326\(|D@p= G@GRDMCompetent granodiorite with weak-moderate pervasive potassic, phyllic, and propylitic alterations. No oxides on fracture surfaces. Patchy disseminated pyrite in groundmass. Cut by white quartz veinlets hosting disseminated pyrite. KL-16-326p= G@{GZH@GRDMPre-dyke mineralized zone that follows an irregular contact between granodiorite and dyke. Granodiorite is softened by locallized pervasive clay alteration. Strong massive-blebby pyrite mineralization is accompanied by a massive quartz vein. Pyrite is cr KL-16-326{GZH@fffffI@DYKLight grey quartz feldspar porphyry dyke with weak oxide staining on fractures and weak disseminated pyrite mineralization. Sharp contacts with mineralized granodiorite on both sides. KL-16-326fffffI@J@GRDMPost-dyke mineralized granodiorite, with initial strong clay alteration that grades out with distance from the dyke. Pervasive massive-blebby pyrite is intergrown with some blebby chalcopyrite. KL-16-326J@fffffa@GRDMGranodiorite with patchy, typically vein-associated envelopes of phyllic, argillic, and propylitic alteration, sometimes with weak potassic alteration overprinting propylitic patches. Weak oxidation persists until 62m depth, then disappears. Granodiorite KL-16-326fffffa@i@GRDAGranodiorite with weaker alteration than seen earlier, dominated by wide patches of weak-moderate propylitic and potassic alteration. There are few patches patches of weak phyllic alteration and silicification disseminated pyrite, generally enveloping ra KL-16-326i@ףp= Gj@GRDMStrongly phyllic altered granodiorite crosscut by many quartz-carbonate-pyrite veins with weaker argillic overprint. Pervasive disseminated pyrite in granodiorite groundmass. KL-16-326ףp= Gj@Gzj@GRDMStrongly phyllic altered granodiorite cut by a wide smokey quartz breccia hosting blebby-massive pyrite. KL-16-326Gzj@{Gk@GRDMGranodiorite with patchy phyllic, argillic, and propylitic alterations. There are locallized patches of potassic alteration. Cut by few quartz-pyrite veins/veinlets with phyllic envelopes. KL-16-326{Gk@Q"p@GRDMGranodiorite with weaker alteration in smaller patches. Alterations tend to be phyllic to argillic envelopes around quartz-pyrite veinlets. KL-16-326Q"p@RYq@GRDMGranodiorite with patches of phyllic and argillic alteration related to quartz-pyrite veining. KL-16-326RYq@q@DYKFine grained light green quartz feldspar porphyry dyke with calcite often infilling fractures. Altered phenocrysts tend to be light green. Dyke shows chilling at both contacts. KL-16-326q@Hzwr@GRDMPhyllic altered granodiorite cut by many quartz-pyrite veins and a pair of faults. Argillic envelopes are found distal to veining. Minor pyrite is disseminated throughout the groundmass. KL-16-326Hzwr@Rt@GRDAGranodiorite with alternating patches of propylitic alteration and argillic-potassic alteration, cut by few quartz-pyrite veinlets. KL-16-326Rt@q= ףt@GRDMStrong phyllic and argillic halo around a smoky quartz-pyrite vein. KL-16-326q= ףt@(\u@GRDAGranodiorite with alternating patches of propylitic alteration and argillic-potassic alteration, cut by few quartz-pyrite veinlets. EOH KL-16-327HzG?---Casing KL-16-327HzG? ףp= @OVBOverburden and organics KL-16-327 ףp= @(\@GRDUnaltered granodiorite displaying weak to moderate oxidation. Small quartz veinlets are present. KL-16-327(\@(\4@GRDAWeak to moderate phyllic to argillic/phyllic altered granodiorite. Pervasive oxidation is present throughout, becoming weaker with depth until only present in fractures at ~18.6m. Mineralized quartz veins present. KL-16-327(\4@)\HC@GRDUnaltered granodiorite with oxidation found along fractured and joint planes. Small sporadic halos of phyllic alteration found within hosting sulfide mineralized quartz carbonate veins. KL-16-327)\HC@QF@GRDAWeak to moderate phyllic to weak propylitic altered granodiorite. Interval contais patches of unaltered and moderately argillic altered patches throughout. Zone ends along a red quartz feldspar porphyry dyke contact, with two quartz/carbonate veins prese KL-16-327QF@33333F@DYKLight brown quartz feldspar porphyry dyke transitioning into a medium red dyke in the center (halo like) KL-16-32733333F@GzTI@GRDAModerate to strongly phyllic altgered granodiorite carrying smokey quartz/carbonate veins transitioning into a small zone of argillic/potassic altered granodiorite. Oxidation present along fracture and joint planes. KL-16-327GzTI@\(P@GRDAUnaltered granodiorite alternating with zones of argillic/phyllic to phyllic altered halos surrounding non mineralized (sulfide) quartz carbonate veins and small patches of weakly propylitic altered granodiorite. Weak oxidation present found along planes KL-16-327\(P@U@GRDMWeakly argillic/phyllic altered granodiorite with patchy phyllic to propylitic alteration and weak pervasive patches of oxidation. Weak potassic overprinting is present sporadically throughout. Interval hosts multiple quartz/carbonate veins of significan KL-16-327U@)\hV@VEINQuartz flooded zone of propylitic altered granodiorite with moderate to strong patchy oxidation and gouge alteration. Interval displays numerous veins and patches of sulfide mineralization throughout. Interval is highly fractured. KL-16-327)\hV@\(\@GRDUnaltered granodiorite with small highly fractured and rubbly sections. Unaltered granodiorite contains patches of moderate to strongly altered phyllic halos with weak argillic/phyllic alteration also present. Halos host sporadic sulfide mineralization. KL-16-327\(\@@b@GRDUnaltered granodiorite with patches of argillic to phyllic granodiorite, along with sporadic patchy argillic/phyllic alteration. Zone ends in argillic/potassic altered granodiorite. Patches of high fractures throughout. KL-16-328ffffff?OVBOverburden, no recovery. KL-16-328ffffff?(\F@GRDAGenerally fresh granodiorite with patches of propylitic, potassic, and argillic alteration. Argillic alteration tends to be around heavily fractured sections. Oxidization is semi-pervasive until 12.5m, where it becomes limited to fractures and minor fau KL-16-328(\F@fffff&G@VEINPolymetallic vein breccia. Initial massive quartz-pyrite veining was brecciated by white banded quartz carbonate, followed by another phase of brecciating smoky quartz. The quartz carbonate phase introduced trace blebby blackjack sphalerite. KL-16-328fffff&G@lP@GRDAGenerally fresh granodiorite with patches of propylitic, potassic, and argillic alteration. Argillic alteration tends to be around heavily fractured sections. Oxidization is limited to fractures and minor faults. Faults tend to be strongly oxidized wit KL-16-328lP@p= ׳V@GRDMPatches of alteration resulting from vein halos. Halos tend to be phyllic adjacent to the veins grading out in to argillic, sometimes with a weak potassic or propylitic overprint. Mineralized veins in this area tend to have banded, colloform, crustiform KL-16-328p= ׳V@{G*X@DYKDark green-grey quartz feldspar porphyry dyke with white-green altered phenocrysts and dark, fine, chilled margins. Find pyrite can be found on some fractures. KL-16-328{G*X@ ףp=J]@GRDAGenerally fresh granodiorite with patches of propylitic, potassic, and argillic alteration. Argillic alteration tends to be around heavily fractured sections. Oxidization is limited to fractures and minor faults. Faults tend to be strongly oxidized wit KL-16-328 ףp=J]@(\b]@VEINPolymetallic, polyphase smoky quartz breccia. Initial stage of white quartz-carbonate veining hosting blebby pyrite. Second phase of grey massive quartz with blebby pyrite. Third phase of smoky quartz hosting blebby honey brown sphalerite, galena, and ar KL-16-328(\b]@p= b@GRDAGenerally fresh granodiorite with patches of propylitic, potassic, and argillic alteration. Argillic alteration tends to be around heavily fractured sections. Oxidization is limited to fractures and minor faults. Granodiorite is occasionally cut by qua KL-16-328p= b@Rc@GRDMThe Stroshein vein zone. It is subdued in appearance, but other intersections with the Stroshein were similarly visiually underwhelming. A wide phyllic-argillic halo surrounds a series of netted quartz carbonate veining KL-16-328Rc@(\ud@GRDAGranodiorite with phyylic-argillic envelopes around rare quartz-carbonate-pyrite veining. KL-16-329?OVBMedium brown organics and overburden. KL-16-329?(\&@GRDASeverely oxidized and weathered granodiorite that has been broken down to fine rubble. Rubbly across entire interval. KL-16-329(\&@= ףp=/@GRDOxidized granodiorite transitioning into unaltered granodiorite with moderate oxidation within fractures, joints, and infilled veinlets. KL-16-329= ףp=/@(\1@GRDAModerate to strongly argillic altered granodiorite that has undergone strong oxidation and breakdown. Highly fractured and displays patches of rubble zones. Argillic granodiorite has been completely pervasively oxidized and broken down (displays brown to KL-16-329(\1@ףp= 9@GRDAStrongly siliceous propylitic altered granodiorite alternating with patchy silicified unaltered granodiorite. Rock displays strong hardness. Oxidized patches of propylitic altered granodiorite are seen throughout, displaying sporadic breakdown and rubbly KL-16-329ףp= 9@GzT;@GRDAIntensely argillic altered granodiorite (displays bleach white granodiorite grains that are partially clay altered) with weak patchy propylitic overprinting. Transitions into moderately argillic altered granodiorite with phyllic to propylitic overprintin KL-16-329GzT;@Gz;@DYKStrongly siliceous light green quartz feldspar porphyry dyke KL-16-329Gz;@zG@@GRDAmoderately siliceous granodiorite alternating between propylitic and argillic alteration. Smll patch of argillic/phyllic alteration present. Pervasive patchy oxidation throughout interval, with moderate to strong oxidation occuring along joint and fractu KL-16-329zG@@ A@GRDHighly oxidized and broken down argillic/propylitic granodiorite. KL-16-329 A@(\B@DYKLight brown to medium grey quartz feldspar porphyry dyke with weak pervasive patchy alteration throughout.g'!)^k˩e&F)(')+') i') 'hF) QZ '[)  yƫˁĵhæqyp8[M&)=&)z&'{)ـޣ)|N&)&-)j !%H=)"&K)#"%m)$ڰ&t^)%=2%=)&ţ'[$N)(X')-1'S)*$J)+aR'),')-/_$).A')/d 0!'S )1c$j!)2q`'0)3N'|)4'J)5#)6t='|i)7m'M})8u')9X'f):z'j);X'D)<i'xX)=?w'G)>'c)?4^')@']5)A|'P.)B9'4)C'>)D')E@%`)F')G'6)H$c)I7')Jm$)Km$)L&y)Mi')N()O]'ɳ)PNm&)Q()R&)S<2()T&)U$S)Vr' )W|&V)XH$ )Y%.)Z'=)[($)\M%;1)]['n)^ z'W)_$W)`&b)a $`)b+&G)c+%s+)d@%#)e&)fI$)g֓%)hZ&|)iYu$)jW&f)k]&Tv)lN&)m8+$)n%%)o8(z)p l&5)q&9)r*,&)s'/)tE&g)uN(r)vl $)wBS&)xr%\)ye$)zY(M){&)|&)}S&r6)~1'r)')j&U)I'n)`&)6('׃)'&#)'b)/&z)P({)FP%^)I%ŕ)%;)37%<|)$)%)%V)$)>P%~)y$)i%7n)$z)S%i)om%Y)=%:)C%)%)%G)d.%)i%@)%DV)$)%9U)%~)*z)O%o)%)%+)%V) */[).%i@)-)v%*)%?)xo[%!=) $()9r&i)&X+)&n)?$)x&)]&)|8&Wv)$n)I& )@$o)Y&~)h&r)%q)V&])%j)y&xh)&"[))%dj)R+%R) 3%3)D%I)&*),-&]):&d) ^&).L&)D`&){&)[&)&)M&)&Ơ)=&).&)x&()&)F\&<)&p)7i&k)&ad)z&~)&rU)&)=&)36&VS)>&)o&)0&)<&&a)$)x$J)YG%)$ )m%l>)Z%Q)\%)n'L)%)q(')%U_)%) %)$ )4$)C')& )'r)&)R\' ")b')*'wn)!&)')5&)&' )$&)'-))&q)H%P)[&)$M)BøF'#~)'o)$:)'rY) 'f)G'U[) D%mr) 'x) $) %[J) %#)(%Z&) $8)D~$`)&)$!3)&t;)O&C)$2)& E)&v)'{q):'Q)D:'BQ)\&=m)?$O) &Z)![&x)"&)#2g8$$h)%&(s)&7B(R)'R$)(5'-))$)*b()+>( |),~$N)-'!).(d)/n')0)')1'e3)2]')3(])4*'8x)5&*)6F)#)789/:');9(S)<s')='à)>;B?f@J#AӜ&j)B'y)C&)D_' !)E &D)F':N)G()H'-)I(=J)JP')K'`e)L')MU'$G)N'sa)O< PHQ'G)R|SK S"